Ode to Razor Blades

I love how you cut me deep
I love how you make me forget
I love it when you make me bleed

Oh Razor Blades
You make me forget my pain
You make me smile when I feel the aching dull go away

Razor blades when I hold you I feel in command
You don’t judge me and the way I am
Even though you hurt
I’d rather take the pain than be treated like dirt

Razor Blades I use you on my wrists and any other place that exists
I forgive you for the scars and the blood loss
I forgive you for those times you hurt too much
I will never stop using you
Because without you I don’t know I would live
♠ ♠ ♠
I had an assigment to write in class the other day and it was to right an 'Ode' and the first thing that popped into my mind was razor blades. I personally do not cut myself I just thought about people I know who did and to be honest at one point in my life I tried it too, but I stopped so this is a poem based on me and a few of my friends