Did you tell her?

I woke up and it still hurt
The hole in my heart
I went to sleep hoping it would be gone when I woke
But no it still hurts
Did you think I wouldn’t catch you?
Out with her
You know I watched you
when you used my nickname for her.
So tell me
Did you tell her that her eyes shined brighter than the moon?
Did you text her at work and say you'd see her soon?
Did you say you'd never love another while you held each other?
Because that's what you told me when you told me when you had no lover.
Did you ever really love me or was it just a sick game?
Did you laugh with your friends at my expense?
Leaving me with a harsh pretense.
I loved you I really did.
I thought forever with you was mine.
But to you forever was never .
So tell your new one to enjoy her time cuz I know I didn’t enjoy mine.
♠ ♠ ♠
please ignore any grammar/ spelling i was just venting when i wrote this