Wind It Up

Love is like a wind up toy

You need to pull the strings,
once in a while.
You work harder
if you want the string to last longer.

The toy slows to an end
as the string winds back in.

Love is like a jack-in-the-box

You hold your breath
as the music slowly plays.
Close your eyes
savour the music while it last.
Because you’ll never know
exactly when it will stop.

Wind up toy or Jack in the Box,
It’s something you can’t get tired of.
Though it both takes time
to work it and to move it.

You pull the string to let it move
You turn the the crank for melodies to flow out

But you better savour it while it works
Because if fondness doesn’t run out
Time runs out
♠ ♠ ♠
This is actually one of the poems I'm handing in for my English poem portfolio...