Unforgettable Night

Venom seers through my veins,
while my blood pools on the ground.
The pain I feel is unbearable,
yet, for some reason, it makes me feel good.
The bright lights are shinning in my eyes,
and the smell of bleach is intoxicating.
The pain I feel is ethereal,
and the numbness takes over.
Now I'm in ecstasy,
pain and laughter come with ease.
his face appears and smiles tauntingly.
His eyes full of life.
My eyes filled with a numb nothing.
A sharp pain rips through my side,
the tears well up, stinging my eyes,
a scream escapes my lips,
and pressure crushes my lungs.
Then his lips push against mine,
and I am back in reality.
No fear, only the rush of his skin,
and once again,
I push that unforgettable night away.