Damaged and Broken

Damaged and broken but no one even knows,
You don't know my past, you don't know how my story goes.
You don't know why I'm different or where these scars came from
You just make assumptions and guess that I'm just dumb

I was like you at one time,
 loved and happy, when everything was fine
But then I realized nothing was right
All the things I believed were fine weren't, thats when I realized I had become blind

I was blinded by my own innocence 
I didn't understand, nothing was making sense
Im only 17 but with everything I've been through you wouldn't believe it
Sometimes I just want to give up on life, I just want to quit

But I haven't given up yet
I just don't want anyone to forget
If I gave up, how would people remember me?
Would they actually see, that there was more to me?

Don't judge me by the way I act
You don't know not one fact
Everything you think you know 
Are assumptions, you don't really know though
Just leave me alone don't ask your stupid questions
Don't give me advice or throw me your lame suggestions
You don't know the pain, and anger I've been through
You never know maybe inside you're a little like me too
♠ ♠ ♠
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