
You hoped someone would hear
I wish I could turn back time
I'd watch them waste their second chance
Not even blinking an eye

We all knew all about you
The past called her demise
The blame wasn't yours, we'd promised you
Now you've joined her on the other side

He can't be speaking of the same girl
I was certain he must be mistaken
The one I had watched from afar
Knowing of her childhood they had taken.

A week, she'd been away
Did I know something was wrong?
I heard his words but they didn't register
When he told us she was gone.
♠ ♠ ♠
(I really really hate rhyming poems, when they're mine. They just sound so cheesy, and remind me of how I used to write, two years ago. I hope this doesn't make anyone cringe as hard as I am now.)