
I’m lost.
You’re lost too,
You were forced to break up with me,
You’re parents hate me,
SO they forced you to choose,
You shouldn’t have had to choose,
You shouldn’t be forced to choose like that.
They made you choose between your family and I.
How could I think that you would choose me?
I didn’t.
It doesn’t hurt that you were forced to break up with me.
For one of the first times ever,
I saw you cry.
My heart broke,
Watching those tears fall.
It hurt so much,
Knowing you were forced to make that decision.
I’m sorry, Jake.
That it came to this.
I’m still so much in love with you,
And I know you’re still so much in love with me.
I know you would’ve chosen me,
In a single heart beat,
IF you could you would’ve.
I understand,
It doesn’t hurt,
To me,
You’re still mine,
But to everyone else,
We’re not together any longer,
I guess your parents truly hate me,
But you truly love me.
That’s all that matters,
Is that you love me,
Our love is strong,
But you’re parents are stronger,
I guess.
I will always love you,
And you will always love me,
It’s just that,
Maybe we weren’t meant to be,
I hope that we can over come this,
And be happy again.
Where I don’t have to see your tears,
And you don’t have to see my pain.
♠ ♠ ♠
True true true.