
I'll be there
I'll be there waiting
For you to get home
I'll be there
I'll be there all along
Waiting to get you home

And on that last day
I'll be holding you up straight
On that day
I'll be cheering for you
You'll get back home
We'll get you back home

And I'll be there
When you can't sleep
In the nights
When the pain is too deep
When you need someone to talk
Or to talk to
I'll be there
I'll hold your hand
And remind you
It will work out soon

And it will get better
And the halls won't be disguised darkness
And you won't hurt anymore
In time
I'll watch over you
And the days will get shorter

I'll try not to cry when you leave
No matter what way
Because I will continue being strong
For you
I'll try even when you're gone
And move on
♠ ♠ ♠
Time to post again? I think so