You Can’t Leave

Please stop what you're doing
And think about something
Think about your life ahead
The ones who love you
What they've said
Who care bout what you do

Think about those friends
Who text you at all hours of the day
Who've been there through the beginnings and ends
And always hope and wish you're okay

Don't shut them out
They need to know
Because God forbid-
There's no longer any doubt
You can just go...
Even though you're still just a kid
You don't want them to scream and shout
Because they had no clue, no
So don't let it remain hid

Tell them what you do
So you can get help and quit
They will still love you
Yeah they may throw a fit
But at least you'll be alive
And one who was able to survive

Think about your parental unit
No matter what they do love you
You can be buried deep in shit
But they'll never want you to suffer through it
They will do everything they can do
So please never let them say, "if only we knew"

Please stop and think
Next time you want to get high, smoke, or drink

RIP Ryan Warner and Jon Betten
♠ ♠ ♠
This one is a dedication to all who have been victims of drug related deaths and families who have lost loved ones to drugs.