
Cracks in the sidewalk
Alone and broken
Damaged beyond repair
Like me

Worthless and afraid
How can I survive?
I have nothing to live for
I just want to die

I say
Maybe things will change
But I am disappointed
By the end of each day

I just want someone to love
Someone to care
To pull me through
To get me out of this mess

But how can someone like me?
I don’t even like myself
I just can’t cope
The way most people would

I take a knife to my skin
And gently slice
The blood flows
And I can be in control

But I don’t see the problem
It’s not like I’m hurting anyone else
Just myself
Because I deserve it

But no one understands this
They call me weak
And say I need help
They threaten to spill, all my secrets out

Can’t they see I don’t need any help?
I’ve survived this long
So what if I’ve gotten worse
Nothing they do can help

They will just lock me up
With other people just like me
People who just want to die
People who are breaking inside

Who don’t need pills to make them better
Who just need a friend
And someone to trust

Just understand!
I need a hug
A real home
A real family