

Selfish boy

You said to stay away
That we would never be friends
Not again
That we would never talk
(Because you never gave me time to adjust)

Selfish boy...

Months passed
And I begin to heal
Until one day...
I see your written words:
"Hey, it's me; I hope you get this. I'm sorry."


And just like that
My hopes flare
And I scribble back a reply
That wait the agonizing days
Before you return
But with you...the girl who make you crush me
All those months before


You say
You don't want to be friends
Not anymore
You only wished to clear your guilt
Your troubled mind
To clean your dirty slate

Selfish boy...

And just like that
My world world shatters,
My heart turned back to ash
and my healing wounds infest...


Then there's her
Telling me to stay away
To stop trying to hurt you (when I hadn't)
To just leave YOU BOTH alone

But you know what...

Selfish boy..

Maybe you need to feel
That pain
That suffering
You keep wanting
To give to me....