The Ballerina

Bowing with ease long legs lift with incontrovertible grace.
Determined eyes gaze darkly at the familiar reflection with deliberate debase.
Lanky and long her body moves, all curves lost to paper legs and sharp angles.
Jaw defiant and strong, her hair exposes no tangible tangles.
Even as the ship shifts her body moves in accordance to fevered demands.
The Ballerina stays perfect in repose even as the boat would stir taking control out of her hands.
Frenzied the girl spins faster and faster the boat's tilt just adding to her violent need.
Omneity is key, perfection in everything she sees, the girl is accustomed to seeing herself bleed.

A short life measured in degree of movement,
Her body shows each and every improvement.
A childhood wasted on plies and simplistic ideals,
Instead of spent leisurely her early years were full of strict schedules at regular intervals.

Serious and deep the Ballerina strives for perfection, second best never being enough for her taste.
A minute gone by without improvement she cannot stand- the hour has gone to waste.
Shifting tides do stir in her feelings of brashness and ill repute,
Towards those she believes doesn't deserve to kiss her lacy boot.

The long voyage she does undertake,
A pilgrimage to strengthen her weary state.
The Ballerina plans to pray,
For the Saint's blessings even if it would take all day.
The girl with the pulled back hair comes with nothing but a duffle bag,
Her ballet flats and tutu all she needs to live like a wealthy aristocrat decked out in pearls and a delicate handbag.
Having traveled long and far the outcome leaving no objection,
As it would be a crime for her to ask of anything less than perfection.
♠ ♠ ♠
Literary Countdown:

A) Four examples of characterizations (two direct and two indirect):
1."A short life measured in degree of movement'- is an example of direct characterization.
2."Jaw defiant and strong, her hair exposes no tangible tangles,"-is an example of direct characterization.
1. "Bowing with ease long legs lift with incontrovertible grace"- is an example of indirect characterization.
2. "Frenzied the girl spins faster and faster the boat's tilt just adding to her violent need"- is an example of indirect characterization.

B)Three examples of Alliteration, and Assonance:
1. "long legs lift"
2. "deliberate debase"
3. "tangible tangles"

C) Two Kennings of my own makings:
1. "paper legs"- a kenning for thin.
2. "Shifting tides do stir"- a kenning for emotions.

D) An example of Social Commentary:
1. "Incontrovertible grace," is an example because Ballerinas are known for being graceful and elegant.