
Our smiles meet,
your eyes are weary.
You're really only half there,
the other is dreary.

You don't love me.
I'm left there to dry.
But I'm not what you think,
I'm much too wry.

Each strand is torn,
each note is sung.
Each stroke swift,
a melody played.

Play the beat,
sing you say.
Be the song,
you were born for this.

She smiles back at me,
but it's not real.
Her pain is definitive.
It sinks through me still.

Pluck, swing, hit,
mistakes, perfection.
They're really all the same.
And you're all to blame.

You ruined me,
I'm nothing but a wreck.
You made me think I was special,
like you loved me.

It wasn't true,
it never was.
But I'll always think of you,
like you'll never think of me.
♠ ♠ ♠
She's gone.