I’m Done

Don’t try and explain
When I walk up to you
I know what’s going on
I don’t need to hear it
It’s over hunn

I use to call you hunn
And let you explain
We use to be best friends with her
I should have known she wanted you
I don’t know why I didn’t see it
But I still wanna know when this all went on

I should have known she would turn you on
I’m sorry hunn
It’s my fault you got stuck in the middle of it
I should have let you explain
I should have heard the story from you
And from her

The story from her
Could go on and on
And the story from you?
Well good luck hunn
Because all I hear is “I can explain”
And I am through with hearing it

I’m over it
I know you like her
You don’t need to explain
I’ll move on
It’s okay hunn
I no longer need you

My best friend likes you
I’m fine with it
You can be hers hunn
You’ll be good for her
Just move on
I’ve now heard you both explain

You can say all you want, I’ve heard you explain
I’m moving on
Just go be with her