The Wind

Don’t we all want to be the wind?

Free from being judged and dissected, because you can’t actually see it.

You know it’s the wind because you can hear it, feel it, or see it moving something else. Isn’t that what we all want? We want to be heard for exactly the meaning of our words. Not being judged by who is saying them and letting the real meaning fall by the waist side.

We want to touch others lives and give them meaning and support. And although our selfish impulses want every little good thing we do to be recognized when something very significant happens for someone else we’d rather be a shadow in the background watching.

We want the ripple affect of the wind blowing through the grass. When we do something we want it to be passed on and remembered. But when we are at our most vulnerable state we want people to notice like a tornado.

We want to be the gentle breeze on a warm summer day to the person who feels overheated. We want to be the whisper at night to the person who’s all alone. We always want to be there for people even when we can’t.

The wind has a pretty nice existence. It goes around making a difference in our lives with just the littlest of ease. It doesn’t receive any credit, but in the back of our minds we know we’ve taken it for granted.
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Written in November 2011