
There is no way I can pay you back
But my plan is to show you that I understand
You are appreciated
And totally dedicated
To the things that you do
And the people who love you
And by me
Because you help me to know who I want to be
You are my strength
And help me to take that extra length
How to follow my heart
And where to start
To respect and stand up for myself
As you do yourself
To not let guys use you
And to know the cue
To leave
And believe
In yourself
Because you are like no one else
You are who you are
Be your own shinning star
Do what you want to do
Just be you
Because you are you
And that’s 100% true
♠ ♠ ♠
When i was in the 8th grade my teacher gave us a poem starter, it wasnt until i was in high school and a senior that i realized the beginning of this poem is Tupac’s intro to Dear Momma