On Beyond Earth

Laying on the cool damp grass
I stare up into the dark, star lit sky,
Thinking, of what is beyond this world,
More life? Other beings? Thinking of the planets…
The red planet, red from all the
iron covering its quiet, lifeless, rocky surface.
Of the gigantic glowing balls of fire
millions of times bigger than Earth.
Unimaginable, incomprehensible!
I think of how far, us, as humans have gotten
in the last century. Going from learning to fly
to traveling to the moon in a matter of decades.
I’m laying there, my head upon the dew covered grass,
The crickets and peepers making music all around me,
Owls hooting every few minutes.
Life swarming around me completely dependent
Upon everything beyond us, beyond Earth.
One asteroid could destroy us all together,
A black hole, crush us in a matter of seconds.
The atmosphere around us keeping us alive.
The millions of lights up in the sky
the size of dots, from here; but in reality, the size of planets.
They’re a glimpse into the past, of long lost stars,
With only their light, so far off, to remember them by.
I lay their, wondering how such a big
World could be so small… and seem so important.
Then I begin to drift off… to another new world…
… in another galaxy… unexplored by anyone but I.
With a mind, of it’s own…
Where anything can happen,
Defying laws of nature,
And where you can never die,
To the world…
Of dreams and wonder,
Where I can control my fate and the objects around me,
Where life goes on forever,
Way… way…
On beyond Earth.