Beating the Unbeatable

Crawling through the dark murky piping,
The cold, slimy muck splashing into my face.
I feel…
A hot humid breath blow across my scarred neck
And see a slight dim light off in the distance.
I hear the high pitched squeak of the sewer rats,
And the pitter patters of their dainty little feet
Scurrying past me on the cool cement floor.
The smell of death and disease filling the air,
Killing all good thoughts that I may think of.
The light, never seeming to get any closer.
This light, is all the life I have…
As the light grows dimmer and dimmer I can feel
The shadow of my life whispering away… colder… colder…
And all the memories, slipping…
A never ending hole closing in, as I
Begin to collapse away into this cold, quiet internal rest…
Never to be woken again…
But then, suddenly out of nowhere the light begins to grow…
faster… faster! Almost there…
The warmth beginning to burn away the cool feeling of death.
My existence protrudes from within like nothing before!
As I escape the death defying silence…
Free of all misery and sorrow!
The end… reached,
Death… cheated,
My life… continued,
The unbeatable… beaten!
The feeling of love embraced once more.
Hatred, hidden away somewhere deep inside once more
The feelings of sorrow and despair…
Destroyed’ replaced; redeciphered,
As I’m beating death…
Beating, the unbeatable.