Like, Whatever...

So the other day while talking to my friends I was thinking,
I mean, I was like paying attention to them all but mainly to how they were talking,
like, why do we say all those random words every sentence and ummm...
wtf is up with all those shortened versions of phrases we use?
Like, is our generation really that lazy?!...
Nah... well, maybe...
But like, how the f did that come up?
You know what I'm sayin'?
Like, Dude, I would totally understand you better if you just used correct gum!
And I'm not talking about that chewy stuff we teens like, practically use as currency either! I'm talking about that stuff we ignore in class because of the ideas our minds put into us making us think we are so much better than everyone else.
Oh and btw, my name isn't dude...
In fact a dude is somebody who is very proper and has never lived outside the city.
Yeah... like, lmfao no teenagers are dudes; seriously?
And then, after like, that practically new language we like, created in the past 18 years
We got those new walks that came into style, lol what?
Like, we got that gangsta-hoodie-zipped-halfway-down-pants-atcha-knees-pimp-walk guys got down with the flat brimmed hat barely propped upon his head.
You'd think it was nailed there to keep it up or somethin'! You know what I'm sayin'?
Yeah... oh, and don't even make me go there with the girls' walk, oh... boy.
Now the girls got that new strut down. Like, dude, it's rediculous!
Sure you get noticed but by whom!... like really? Not cool...
Then well, there's that head wave they got down too... like, guys, if you get that from a girl you know you've gone too far. If you get that, ha, you're in for it.
Might as well run when you got the chance. You know...
Then like, we got those horrible shows we like, like Jersey shore... all that is, is well, a bunch of winy, plastic, drama queen girls and upset guys going from angry gorillas to
crying like little babies. A worthless TV show that you could see for free and live at your local high school, just without the partially fake girls made to look picture perfect, and the guys who need looks to make up for being as dumb as a rock. Seriously? Like whatever happened to "Leave it to Beaver?" or "The Brady Bunch?" or, "I Love Lucy?"
Yeah... and that's only a little worse than the music we listen to... like, it is totally not music... Dude... Rap? Seriously? That is talking with someone spitting in their hands in the background! Ewww! And then Screamo? OMG, they won't have a voice or hearing by the time they turn 40! Nope, not at all... but enough with this dissing of our generation...
they are just as mature as their parents ever were... so it's all cool... right?
but like, I gtg, so ttfn, bye!