A Letter to Her

Dear You,

I can't contain my feelings anymore.
I needed to write them down.
I know you will probably never see this,
but I just wanted to record everything.

Today is the fifth of October.
It has been nearly two months since we first met.
I will never forget that moment.
I wouldn't call it love at first sight,
but it was pretty damn close.

Since then we have grown closer.
I can't believe you're even real.
You're the most beautiful,
and most perfect girl I have ever met.

I would do absolutely anything
to have you in my life for a long long time.
I know it's a conflict of interests,
but that doesn't stop me from hoping,

I probably don't deserve someone
as smart and pretty as you,
but if you let me,
I would treat you like the queen that you are.

I wish the circumstances were a little easier.
Things are kind of messy,
but I am willing to work on it if you are.
I accept the challenge

I don't care what other people would think.
Fuck them.
I just want to be a part of your life.
Maybe just for now
Maybe forever...

♠ ♠ ♠
Really needed to get this out. I know the form is horrifying, but I just wrote how I felt.