Can't See You

Where are you? (I can't find you... ) x2

Maybe you're here, maybe you're there...
You're everywhere in my mind, yet you're nowhere to be found.
Maybe you'll come back to me one day

Maybe I'll find you again... someday.

Once. We. Were. Together. It. was. Bliss~.
Our. Relationship. Was. a. Beautiful. thing~.
Now. You're. Not. Here~.
Where. Did. You. Go~?

I remember that spring, we had such a wonderful time.
But, now no more springs come.
The flowers whither and die.

Where are you? (I can't find you...) x3

I cry tears but ears of time don't hear them
Even worse, they can't reach you through the sands of time
So, they became meaningless....

Where are you? (x8)


Come on!
I search everywhere,
I look everywhere,
I yell for you
I scream for you

"Frustration is raising...
More ANGER is coming...
I can't stop this...
It's overwhelming...
This very powerful feeling...
is toxicating.
I'm drowning, drowning, drowning, drowning...

Drowning in your absence, in my anger, in my sadness, in your coldness...

But I can't be mad... mad at all.
Not even to you... It's not your fault.
There's really nothing for me to be mad at...
You just dissappeared...
From your life, From your family, From your friends, From me especially...
All your future is gone...
Erase permantly...
And, If it tries to come back, it will never stick.

I guess...
You'll never be back...
That doesn't mean I won't miss you.
You'll still be my best mermory...
I suppose this is good bye.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title: Can't SeeU
Singer: SeeU
Language: Korean
Lyrics by: Aoharu

Ok. This song is about a lover who has gone away for whatever reason. This song is quite sad and emo, but it is a love song. Just a sad one.