Truth V.S. Lies

Off to the side,
Not in the spotlight,
Two people dance.
Together they dance,
Two lovers lost in eachother,
Something they never thought they would regret.
She looks at him with loving eyes,
Smiling her stunning smile,
Holding him close is all she needs,
Just for a little while.
He shows her a smile and happy eyes,
But on the inside,
He is ploting to destroy her,
Tear her down,
Rip her apart,
Show her the hell she already calls home.
Destroy the peace within herself,
Destroy her beauty,
Destroy the wonderful person she is.
In the corner of the room,
Not in the spotlight,
Two people dance.
♠ ♠ ♠
I really didn't know what to do about my heart ache so this is my way of showing the it to people.