You Played the Game

It startes as a name
it turns into a person
who turns into a hope
that turns into a love

dont say im wrong
because im one who knows best

i have this game i play
involes more than just you
more than two

a mind game
a tricky game
not a promising win
because most likely you'll lose

i play it alot
i know how to cheat
know when to play
and what to choose

its not a fair game
so why do i play?

you told me you loved me
well i said it too
but trust me when i say
we both know its not true

theres only been one
who has beaten me
one who plays often too
he knows better than i do

he starts with hello
and ends with goodbye
you have to play right
or you'll be nothing more than an 'I'

dont feel bad
he has played
he has won
but so have i

so may not get it from my face
or the way i act
but get to know me
i promise you will fall

so my dear,
im sorry you lost
because truly i won
i challenged your game
and turned it to mine

you did not notice that
as you learned what to play
i already took all the right cards
you need to succed

you lost your cards int this game
you also lost your heart
i took it the moments you said hello
and kept it even after you said goodbye!