What I Live For

I've been thinking alot lately about what I live for. I thought long and hard, before I realized...

It's not the material things that keep me going. I don't need money, or a fancy car.

It's the moments and the memories.

Like spending time with my dad. We may just sit around and watch TV, but those moments are a key part of my life. We talk about everything so freely. We laugh so hard at the dumbest things. He shows me that while life is rough, you have to have fun with it, or you get nowhere.

Or seeing my birth dad and my little sister. I've never held one of my siblings and cried because I never understood how precious they are. Until she came along. I held her gently in my arms and promised to be there for her as tears stained my face. And Shaun is just one big kid. He talks serious to me, then makes a joke. He's forever playing around, and I love it. He's the best friend I'll never lose. The one who'll never abandon me. The one who'll always be available if I need to talk.

Then there's my friend Katelyn. We met in art class in the seventh grade. I thought she was weird because she drew her circles with a compass. She's the exact opposite of me, and we make that work. I would have never made it if it wasn't for her. She kept me grounded when everything around me was going insane. We have so many good memories and inside jokes. Like, Rabbit + Curly = 14, or Swollen Ankle... or Don't Touch The Doorknob! And lets not forget that time we played Hide N Seek, and she missed me every time, when I hid in the most obvious places. She's truly like my sister.

Then before the drift, there was Katie. I spent every waking moment of my summer of 2010 with her. We had a blast every time we were together. We would stay up all night and do stupid shit, like play with bouncy balls and play school! We even went as far as coming up with the idea of making our own webshow on Youtube. It never took off. But we went to church together, and we'd go out for lunch afterwards. We wrote together, we read together, we sang together... She was like my sister as well, and I miss her.

My cousin Ashley is a huge part of my life as well. She's five years older than me, so she would pick on me. I was a pudgy kid, so I acquired the nickname "Big Monsta", and I love it! She taught me about sex when I was seven, and would always laugh at me when I ate. We would tan on the back deck, even though I burn. She'd throw parties in her room with the strobe light, loud music and sparkling ciders. She made us pay quarter, so me and my cousin Jonathon would scrounge the house for change. I remember once her and my cousin Sam trapped me in her room and poked me with a knife and waved a lighter in my face. You may think I'm crazy for loving her, but as I got older, we grew apart. Now when we see each other, we talk about the real stuff, like life and love. She's not my cousin... she's my sister.

I have alot of precious memories in my life, and I'm crying happy tears right now going through them all.

These moments are what I live for.