How You've Done Her Wrong

I sit back and cry as I dwell on the past.
I honestly thought this love would last.
I wrack my brain for a sliver of faith.
That you loved me too, and it wasn't one way.
But I come up blank, like I always do.
I guess that's my reward for loving you.
I honestly need some sort of closure.
To let me know it's really over.
I mean you smile and act like life's all good.
But nobody's checked under the hood.
To see pain and distress, of a lonely girl.
She honestly saw you as her whole world.
But then you go and find some skank.
The girl who loves you had to get cranked.
Just to get by she had to hide knives.
She kept one with her at all times.
In case he strolled by with a new piece of sugar.
She'd cut herself deep, thinking you loved her.
She'd bleed until her vision'd go black.
You don't understand, she might not come back.
Blood transfusions saved her life.
Even if she didn't want to survive.
People care, all but you.
You were too shallow to tell the truth.
You had to let it get so bad, she almost took her life.
Now she's all alone on this cold November night.
She see's how you have left her out in the cold.
She's crying and depressed wanting someone to hold.
So she sits alone now, listening to her song.
Thinking over and over of how you've done her wrong.