I Miss You

Dear Katelyn,

I miss you.
I miss all the fun we used to have.
I miss all of our inside jokes.
But most of all, I miss just being your friend.

We used to have the best of times.
It didn't matter where we were, we were always laughing about something.
Don't you miss making fun of Abi and Cameron?
I do.
Remember Tulsa?
Oh my God, I was so proud of myself for coming up with that!
You thought it was the dumbest name ever, but you laughed anyway.

Remember those few nights I spent at your house?
How we'd walk to the park and I'd be out of breath halfway there.
How we stayed up until the crack of dawn just being stupid.
How we played Hide and Seek and it took you an four tries to find me in the bathroom and that time I hid on your sofa and you looked right past me.
Those were the days.

Then there was my house.
You only came over a few times, but they were awesome.
Remember how I said you could never fit the motor chair into my doorway and you did?
How about when you ran over everything in the house?
There was that night at my birthday party when we watched The Orphan and I introduced you to Esther.

And who can forget about school?
That day in gym when I shined the lazer pointer on the track as people were running and in Mrs. Mudd's eyes. We had to serve a freaking lunch detention!
How about when we first met in art class? I thought you were such a nerd for drawing circles with a compass.
Then there was Mrs. Aalder's class.
Remember the dozens of post it notes I sent you?
What about my swollen ankle?
Holy crap, what about lunch?
We were planning to start a food fight on the last day of school, but it never happened.
Remember Mr. Peterson? Here comes Peter Cottontail!
He got the nickname Rabbit for pretty obvious reasons.
Ha! Remember Joseph? How he was doing all those weird hand movements on the stage.
God, I miss those days.

I hope one day we'll meet again.
I hope your family can one day forgive me.
I hope you're happy.
You're my best friend and I miss you.
I hope you miss me too
And just know,
One day we'll be reunited.