27 Days

1st month of the year we started
2 months later I love you’s were said
3 words that are still true
4 words returned that seem like a lie from you
5 minutes and you were gone
6 months you forgot
7 minutes in heaven is all I ask
8 letters that I wish you understood
9 consecutive pages written about you
10 seconds of pain
11 moments I wish I had back
12 months make a year
13 reasons why we should’ve made it
14 nights left awake crying
15 is how old we were
16 is nothing I want to live through
17 is the gap year
18 is when I’ll see your eyes again
19 seconds of pure staring
20 minutes of crying and hugging
21 we’ll get drunk and make love
22 days you’ll stay with me
23 times you hug me
24 times I’ve cried and counting
25 new memories to be made
26 new cuts
27 days and I’ll be gone