Purple Fuzzy Body Pillow

I wrap my arm and leg around the purple fuzzy body pillow
That I’ve been laying with for over 80 days
Just like, for six months and some days you layed with yours
You keep breathing with that body pillow
Morphing, twisting
You sleep with a new body pillow now
You wrap your arms
Your long, arms
and your big hands that could cover my whole body
where’s the words?
The words are coursing through my veins, the same veins that course your name
Your vein covered arms wrap
around a new pillow.
I pushed the pillow away
off the bed, into the floor for two weeks
I can’t stand to look at it anymore
because I know that I got my body pillow too late
and you punched me in the stomach with all your might
Relapsing knowledge
And when I finally realized that you didn't belong on my floor
All I wanted was to look at you
but no amount of postage stamps
ink marks on paper
or 3 days of waiting
(I’m still waiting)
could bring you into my arms like I do
every night with a purple form
I got my body pillow too late.