The One in the Crowd

He will shine with her,
And his arms
Will be warm as fur.

Whatever she harms,
He can put together again.
And make skyscrapers on farms.

Both another's friend,
Wondering why and how they...
Might ever end.

He might not stay.
She would cry so loud,
If he went away.

Honestly, he would not be proud.
I know this love's blur,
Because I'm the one in the crowd.
♠ ♠ ♠
A style of rhyming I made up one day. It follows-if you haven't noticed-


And at the end, the middle line rhymes with the first line of the poem, so it goes in a circle. That's why I call it 'circle rhyming'. If you've used it I'd love for you to comment and let me know, love reading it :)