Second Chance

So, here I am again, writing to you from a mental hospital.
I can't complain, I asked for this.
I've been suicidal for the longest time, but this was different.
I was really going to go deeper.
I wanted to die.
All those things I said I'd live for just disappeared.
It's like they never existed.
But something opened my eyes.
Maybe it was lying in the hospital, bawling my eyes out.
Or maybe it was being driven away by the uncomfortable ambulance. Whatever it was, it made me think about my life.
How precious it is.
How by killing myself, I would hurt those I love.
Especially that sweet angel, Nyrie.
Feeling numb only works for so long before your problems come flooding back.
You can go deeper, but eventually the misery you're living in will capture you.
The deeper you go, the better you feel, until you no longer feel anything.
You're going to die, it's a garuntee.
So please, put down the razor and live your life.
You're beautiful and perfect and you deserve a second chance.