
Life is hard death is not
That is why so many people want to die
The world is felled with many ways to die
Some are fun, and painless some are not!!
So picking the way I want to die is harder than the act of dyeing
I am not suicidal it is just a thought
If I was going to die today
How would I die?
As the thought that no one will miss me when I am gone popped in my head
The answer came to me vicodin an opiate-based painkiller
Overdose from vicodin is essay and painless
What pushed me to it I don’t know but
I take 20 pills of vicodin and lay down
I slowly feel the meds kick in
My nervous system starts to shut down
I can’t move, I am stiff as a bored
As I look up at the clock before closing my eyes
I smile at the thought of no one finding me in time to stop me!
The clock read one o’clock
I drift into a dreamlike stat were everything is better
There is no sadness, no want, not pain
As I drift I see a light it is haven I smile as I think
Finally I am here no more waiting!
The song Gold by Britt Nicole is playing
Than a voice boomed in my ears saying
“Don’t be selfish there are people in this world that need your love”
I woke up to find myself at the beginning of a day
The day I was going to kill myself!
Now with a new beginning I have to choose
To live are die!
♠ ♠ ♠
i did not try to kill myself. Hope you like it.