Not for love

This is not to confess my love for you just to tell you how I feel.
Your eyes are like the clear blue autumn sky at mid-day
Your skin as tan as a beach kissed by the sun
Your voice as breathtaking as the Hamlin Mountains at sun rise.
You are beautiful but you put yourself down
So why should I believe you when you call me beautiful?
I can’t tell when you are sears or joking
You say that you love me for me
Than call me wired when I am being myself.
I am sorry for putting up walls when you talk to me
It is a difference mechanism I don’t want to let you in.
I do not know why but Your personally scares me stiff
You keep me on my toes I cannot figure you out.
I don’t want you to change be who you are I just wanted you to know how I fill.