
I know of a demon

Who lives not in the ground

He lives in my head

When there's sadness around

He laughs when I fail

And giggles when I'm sad

He doesn't like when I'm happy,

And gets awful mad

How I wish this demon

Would find a new home,

Haunt someone else

And please leave me alone,

But the demon is comfortable

In my world of despair,

He's made me his home,

He's not going anywhere

So he'll plant his bad thoughts

Inside of my head,

Make me feel worthless,

And better off dead

He'll wreck havoc

And run amuk

Until the day comes

When I finally give up

And then the demon

Will pack his bags and leave

He'll go with a cackle,

And more tricks up his sleeve

He'll befriend another

And they'll let him in

He'll convince them he's good

They know not of his sins

I know of a demon

Who lives not in the ground,

Don't let him in,

He's searching around

And if he happens to knock on your door,

Flash him a smile,

Tell him he's not wanted anymore

And if you happen

To live demon free

Lend someone a hand,

Help someone like me

Some kind words

Really do go a long way

In making the demon

Go far away

I know of a demon

Who lives not in the ground

Slowly he's leaving

There's hope to be found
♠ ♠ ♠
A poem I wrote last night