I Never Told You.

I never told you.

I never told you that I love your smile.
I never told you that looking you in the eyes makes me feel so vulnerable.
I never told you that no matter how ugly I felt that day, just seeing your face made me forget about what I looked like.
I never told you that you filled my head almost everyday.
I never told you that I wanted to marry you.
I never told you that despite all the complaining about your self-loathing, I still wanted to be the person who loved you for you.
I never told you that I hated when you talked about your ex-girlfriend.
I never told you when I wanted to have sex with you.
I never told you when I was crying over you.
I never told you when I wanted to kill myself.
I never told you when I was smiling ear to ear just by reading a text message from you calling me “babe”.
I never told you when I started forgetting you.
I never told you when I started to remember all the good times.
I never told you when I threw out all the bad memories to save space for the good ones.
I never told you why I wanted you to stay.
I never told you why I loved you.
I never told you why I needed you to need me.
I never told you why I hated myself.
I never told you why you were my true first.
I never told you why I didn’t want to have sex.
I never told you why I hated you for so long.
I never told you to fight for me.
I never told you to fight for us.
I never told you to do anything.
I never told you all things that I should’ve.
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It's a let go poem of things that I never told him and now that enough time has gone by I wish I would've had the guts to tell it all.