Bunch Of Feels

You're kind, caring, and sweet.
Boy you sure have knocked me off my feet.
I'm head over heels.
You sure have given me a bunch of feels.
You're adorkable, you're such a nerd.
You're so cute, it's almost absurd.
I think we compliment each other quite well.
It's no brainer as to why I "fell".
I thought for sure when you got to know me,
you wouldn't like me, truthfully.
I'm glad you're sticking around, and staying by my side.
It must be one heck of a ride.
I'm so wishy-washy with my emotions,
I'm every changing like the ocean.
But you take it all in, you accept it all.
Kind of like a computer, with new software to install.
You deal with so much of my additude,
that I tend throw at you.
I'm not sure how you handle it.
But I must admit, I give you a lot of credit.
Your hugs are the nicest,
your smile is the brightest.
It always makes my day to see you.
But it always downs my mood, when I have to say "adieu".
Just when I start getting confused, or begin second guessing,
You somehow remind me that it's not that bad, and that's a blessing.
I don't want to take you for granted,
But I must say, I'm enchanted.
You give me butterflies,
Everytime you look me in the eyes.
Your kisses make my "kokoro go doki doki",
making my knees go all wobbly.
When I'm with you, my heart skips a beat.
When I'm with you, my face begins to heat.
You make my blood pressure rise,
This is not a feeling that I despise.
I can hear the drumming of my heartbeat in my ears,
You jump start my "gears".
Wow I'm sure glad you accept me for who I am,
And how I act,
And I'm more than entirely okay with that.
There's no one else I'd rather invade my personal space,
no one else I'd rather have kiss my face.
I've never felt this way for someone before,
you're truly someone I adore.
I'm beginning to sound like a 12 year old girl,
Though I'm 18.
this is a bit ridiculous,
maybe because I'm hyped up on caffeine.
This poem is starting to become, mushy goo.
Story short, I love you.
And now this poem is finally at an end.
I love you, Jordan.