Separate Ways

Should I care anymore?
Should I just give up on loving you?
Should I just try to move on in life?
Should I do something differently?

I blame myself,
Every single day,
I blame myself,
Because maybe,
If I keep blaming myself,
That he'll come back to me,
And tell me that it isn't.

I'm terrified of moving on.
Because I know it'll hurt him,
I've already done so much damage,
That I don't ever want to hurt him again,
I've done enough,
So as I watch,
He'll move on,
And he won't glance back at me.

As I stay,
Back in the past,
Back here,
For far away from him,
Will he ever just glance over,
Maybe give me a smile,
So my hopeless life,
Can see just the slightest bit of future?

Life is hideous,
So ugly and grotesque,
I hate the look of it,
It's morphed,
Into its own shape,
And I'll never be able to get back to the way I want.
It has been so cruel to me,
So vicious,
And corrupted.

I'm alone.
Heart-wrenchingly so,
My friends try helping,
But how much can they do?
How much can they do,
When I see no reason on living?

I wish he could see,
How much I'm in pain,
And just sit next to me,
Hold my hand,
And tell me it'll all be okay.

But he's gone his own way,
Left me in the dust,
And I'm just here,
By myself,
As I watch him go,
His separate way.