Prime Authority

Authority the ultimate priority
The essentially prime story
Monarchy’s a dread
How about democracy instead?
Are you sick in the mind?
Ranting with all your Despise? for this astounding rise?
The higher faces and races stealing the gold
Treating you like mold
Show them whose story it is to unfold
All the jobs on the market
Disappearing like a rocket into space, never again a trace
Now for the election
The greatest selection, toss of affection
Who shall steal the plate?
Rid sight of the depression with a clean slate
Such powers so great
Who’ll bite the bate, who’ll collect all the hate
On the winner’s shoulders the government’s fate
In the end it’s all about authority
How to run the sorority
For some advice, go on roll the dice
This is to be concise
Don’t be a fool!
Abide all the rules!
Dare not be so cruel!
Or you won’t be seen next duel!