The Ballad of Samuel Row

Strong and mysterious, was Samuel Row
With eyes as bright as the moon
Place your hand in his, and you will know
All will be well soon

A smile of stars, a heart like the sun
He was radiance all around
With a tip of his hat, your journey begun
"No fear," his voice will sound

Swiftly, behind you and him
The oppressive shadow will loom
But sheltered behind his powerful limb
"No fear," his voice will boom

Inevitably, he must embark
With strength, he will go
But never will you forget the mark
Of the glorious Samuel Row
♠ ♠ ♠
This was written for a creative writing class, inspired by my Navy boyfriend before he left for basics, and it was the inspiration for a post-apocalyptic story called "Sunder" that I started shortly after.