His tangled hair

You and I spent hours at a kitchen chair
Sharing a piece of each side
So since you left and I went
I always sit on only one half
Because you are meant to sit on the other edge

We walked up the same streets
At cold freezing breezy moments
One time you asked me If I've ever been kissed
Have you?
So he answered with bitten lips against mine
He replied by meeting in the middle
In this childhood gone wrong

I was twelve and a bit out in the open
He was raging and damned us all
Angry at all his fathers faults
Perhaps we always were meant to meet in the middle of a chair
we could have just bought another
The important part is that we didn't

That's the part when boy meets girl
You are throwing your arm over my shoulders
But you are not you anymore
You are in fact my best friend sitting beside me
Because I see him

So I saw him in my best friend
She had his tangled hair and I decided
That this road leads to nowhere
But her lips leads to a place without me

Have you ever been kissed?
By who
Count them
How can I tell all the people I have kissed
I have only ever imagined having his lips
♠ ♠ ♠
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