The Confessions Of The Depressed Teenager

I breathe it in,
and exhale.
My voice isn't steady like it was before,
I guess it was the paper I tore.
I guess I'd have to ask myself,
If you hate yourself,
Why don't you let them, too?
♠ ♠ ♠
If this doesn't make sense. let me clear it up. "I breathe it in, and exhale" I feel like when I take in the thoughts and opinions of people, everything that I say makes them question me. "My voice isn't steady like it was before...the paper I tore." I have a hard time talking, and I bite my tongue, the paper is about how I used to write notes to people, or myself, but I tore up/burned most/all of them. The last part is about how I don't like myself all that much, and if I don't like myself, why should other people like me?