Love is Beauty

What is love?
That tingly sensation you get
When you're lying there in the sunset.
The silhouette of birds as they ascend through the sky,
A wonderful beauty you cannot buy.
Love is the smell of sweet cedar in the morning air,
The sounds of the crickets in the middle of nowhere.
The one you love that smiles back at you,
Why they love you, you have not a clue.
But you are thankful for the honor,
To have become a lover.
Love never ceases to amaze me,
How could it not with all it's beauty?
If you choose to love, do so with passion,
Show decency, show compassion
For love is a choice, a thing of inspiration, a road
We all had to walk down whether you lead or followed.
For when you're in love, you are no longer alone,
but a beautiful and fitting half of a whole.