
breaks me down.
I start to bleed.
My heart goes numb,
baby you MEANT evrything to me.
Now you're nothing,
what a figment of imagination.

love broke you,
but love made you.
You're worthless.
You're nothing.

it brought us together.
it brought us apart.
broke me down.
i miss you.

You were the warmth in my body.
You were the only thing to keep me alive.
Turn on me one more time,
I beg of you.

Let me see you there again,
let me eyes grasp the consept.
I beg for you to let me see what you did.
I saw it and can't believe it.
There with her,
what broke me down.
I start to run,
I start to hide.

I hid from love,
I hid from you.
I know you saw me there,
I would have too.

I run to the street across to your house.
I left a note that said
I love you.
is nothing more than a dream now.
Don't think I didn't see you,
don't think I ran because I could.
I loved you.
Now without the love you gave me,
all i deserve is to be nothing."

I went to the apartment,
where we used to stay.
I waited there untill my death came.
But it wasn't death after all.
Oh no it was worse,
Baby it was you.
I loved you.

You brought me to my worse,
your not love.

Now i wonder..
What is love ?