At April's End

I’ve just realized how soon you are to enter my life
I just noticed how much I love you both without even knowing you
I don’t want to screw you over
I don’t want to make you cry
I want to make you happy and to keep you close
I don’t want you to go away
Not like my other loves
Not like that other part of my life
I don’t want you to forget me
I just want you to be by my side and for me to be by yours
I want to help someone in someway
And it would be more than I’d ever thank if someday you’ll hug me and say “I love you”
I just want to hear those words from you
With a smile upon your face
Instead of only crying and wondering how life would be from now on, I want to be sure I’ve done something right
I need you to feel save with me
And call me late at night in search for answers
I want to be at every birthday party, at every wake of your nap
I want to love every part of you and you to love me back
My miserable words are trying to become a lullaby
And my dreadful voice would try to sing it at the best of my poor ability
But they are more than unworthy compared to the ears of whom it was dedicated to