My Mind for the World


Eh do I have to get out of bed
No one will care if I skip
No I have to I can't miss art
It's what keeps me going
I better change
God I look awful in this
Ew look at my face
My hairs a mess I'll just put it up
I will just skip breakfast today
It won't hurt I'm too fat any way


God everyone is staring at me
Is it because I look fat?
Or maybe my clothes suck
She's so fake I hate her
What they are dating?
He just told me he liked someone else
I see you yes you flirting with every guy
I'm so judge mental god
Can she stop talking she's so annoying
Why I my friend always leaving me out
God I don't think I want to see him with her today
I don't know if I can handle it
I want to cry


I should just skip today
No I'm to hungry
Wow I'm such a hippo
What are they even talking about
I'll just keep my head down


I should go for a run
I'm not going to I'm fat
I'll just write
God I'm so dark
I never knew I thought like this
I wonder if I'll go with dad tommorrow
I'll probably be here at moms though
Well I'm tired
I'll stay up a little longer
I am just going to close my eyes
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's super long