In the box at the bottom of the sea

I saw it,
The fire, the chaos
Deep within your eyes,
I saw it whenever you looked at me

Then she came, like a tidal wave
Stole you away
Like all sirens do with their song
And snap,
Just like that,
Like a rubber band
You were no longer mine

Now I'm here, alone
Full of useless emotions
What do I do with my broken self?
Nobody wants damaged goods.
I allowed myself to love you
To dance in the fire
To be burnt

But that was wrong
And now I pay the price
The ballad of a shattered heart
Put in a box, wrapped in chains
And thrown out at sea

You will never be mine
You have never been,
Therefore I release you
From myself
From my love
From my heart
From my soul

Trapped in that box
Is everything I refuse to feel.