
Sweat glistened off my forehead
Tank top on
Shorts on
Sandals on
But why was I still burning
My hair ignited into flames
The light flickered in my eyes
I squinted 

The leaves rained on my face
Oranges, Yellows, Reds, Browns
It was a race
A race to see who could make it to the ground faster
I looked up
Up into the pouring leaves
I knew that as soon as they touched the ground
They would eventually rot and die
But did the know this

Everything is dead
Where are the singing birds
The jumping squirrels
Even the trees were dead
I walked out
The coldness stung my face
My warmest clothes on
I could still feel the bitterness of the wind

I sat under the shady tree
Listened to the noises of nature
The buzzing of the bees
The chirping of the birds
The energized squirrels chased each other
Even the tiny ant seemed enlivened
Flowers bloomed
Nature was full of life
But why wasn't I
The rain came pouring down
Washed away the tears from my eyes