Nursery Rhymes (With a Twist)

Jack and Jill Jane and Josh
Jane and Josh jogged up the mountain to fetch a pail of goat milk
Jane fell down and broke her leg
And Josh came tumbling after
Up got Jane and home she hopped
As fast as she could caper
She went to bed and bound her leg
With salt and water vapor

The Itsy Bitsy Spider The Big Hairy Spider
The big hairy spider climbed up the water spout
Down came the rain but it didn't slip the spider out
Out came the sun and time for evaporation
Now the big hair spider was stuck forever and ever

Hey Diddle Diddle Hey, Sizzle Sizzle
Hey, sizzle, sizzle
The dog and the drizzle
The cow jumped over Pluto
The little cat laughed
To see such fun
And the remote ran away with the T.V.

Hickory Dickory Dock Hickory Mickory Mock
Hickory mickory mock
The rat ran up the wok
The wok struck heat
The rat ran down
Hickory mickory mock