What Makes a Poem Humorous?

I am in the mood to write
So writing am I doing
I'm not in the mood to write
A book, chapter, or story, no
I am in the mood to write poems
Silly poems
I hope you find them quite humorous

Wait, wait, wait, I must stop and ask this question
What makes a poem humorous?
Well, as you might know
And know very well
Every person has different humor
Some are not very swell

Some people like dirty humor
Ever hear a dirty joke?
Some people enjoy dark humor
Vampires, werewolves, ghosts
Some like no humor at all
Strict, strict, strict!
Rules, rules, rules!
While some, furthermore, likes good old fashioned jokes

Knock Knock?
Answer a question with a question
Who's there?
Now, someone dirty might answer like this
My, well, I do not wish to say, for I am only a 14 year old girl
But the word starts with a p, *wink wink*

Knock Knock?
Answer a question with a question
Who's there?
A dark person might answer like this
Your soul
Or maybe they'll just stare at the door

Knock Knock?
Answer a question with a question
Who's there?
Now, someone who has no humor although it might be a humorous answer
Will answer like this
Me! Now open the door!

Knock Knock?
Answer a question with a question
Who's there?
Now, a good old fashioned jokes person, or clown may answer this way
The chicken!

So, as you see above you
Everyone has different humor
But may I ask the question again
What makes a poem humorous?
Or better yet, anything

Please note
I am not trying to be judgmental
I am simply writing my thoughts
So, please don't hate me altogether
For, my brain told me what to write
I guess you should hate my brain, it doesn't exactly bring light

Now, I just thought of another question
What makes a poem a poem?
Maybe I'll answer this one
After I figure out what makes a poem humorous