Stepping Stones

As a child innocent and naive
I went through life sheltered by my parents hand
I was safe to be carefree and trusting
But time flows as guickly as grains of sand

As a growing teen I learned
Life has cruel and harsh truths to unfold
Seeing the world through open eyes
I felt the difference between warm and cold

Even now with this knowledge I have
I still want to make my future on my own
I can't be guided forever
Some things you have to learn alone

My parents have taught me a lot
But now it's time I walk with my own too feet
I need to find my own strength and use it
Because hiding from my problems is obsolete

This life I lead isn't picture perfect
I've met and lost a few friends along the way
But going through all the high's and low's
Have made me into the person I am today
♠ ♠ ♠
Just yesterday, I had a revelation. After a long day of drama, I realized just how much my parents have taught me and how their teachings made me strong and self-confident. I owe them for being the greatest parents a child could ask for. After yesterday, I know I can stand on my own, I have the strength.