Lady Darkness

Daylight falls
Darkness rises
Small embers burn on the black slate
The white rock gives light to the darkened land below
The breathe of Darkness, warms the hearts of the fallen
Her eyes, watch the mortals killing, stealing and lying
Her lips, kiss the fallen souls goodbye
She wants to rule the pathetic mortals and let her army feast on their flesh and blood
She sits like an owl, and waits for to fall into slumber
Her army fills with hunger
Waiting to consume their blood and souls
Slumber has fallen among mortals
Darkness sends her sickness upon the mortals
Blood spills like a waterfall from the afflicted's mouth
All their lies surface and stick out on their skin, as black eyes
Watching and waiting for them to die
Mortals die
Darkness sends her army of demons and noghtdwellers, to feast upon the souls of the fallen
The wolf of Darkness, rips through the mortals flesh
The seducer of Darkness, feeds on the mortals blood
Yet pure mortals live through the exodus
Darkness screams
Her cry rips flesh from bone, and bone from souls
Darkness has won
Daylight is defeated
He has no choice but to surrender to Lady Darkness
For his reign has ended, and her's begun
Daylight never comes
For Darkness's reign is eternal